Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Warwitch Lives...

Got my Warwitch Dhenegra finished! Now a couple of Jacks' left to go.
I had a request for my paint recipes and any techniques that I used, so I will write that down and make up a post on it later today.
Support By Fire

Pics are proof,


  1. I really love how these turned out.

    I have to ask though, what kind of camera do you use? I've been itching to finally break down and buy rather than using my phone camera. And your pictures are just so clean and crisp.

  2. Thanks, Crastius, much appreciated.

    As for the camera, I use a Wal-Mart sale camera, it is a Samsung SL30 with 10.2 mega pixels. Think I got it for around $90.00. Yeah, once you get even a cheap camera, and use the Macro function for close ups, you will get better results than even the best Cell Phone pics. Hope this helps, oh and try and get a camera with 8-12 mega pixels for the best results.

    Support By Fire

  3. Excellent work. Gotta say, after painting her for Themapalooza, she was more fun than I expected!
